How to Quit Epic Games Launcher on Mac

Epic Games is the company of choice for gamers who enjoy the thrill of games such as Grand Theft Auto and Fortnite. Gaming has never been more convenient than it is now, with the ability to play right on your computer or laptop without the need for a specialized gaming system. If, on the other hand, you have difficulty with technology, it may be difficult to figure out how to navigate the launcher.

The red “x” icon located in the upper left-hand corner of the Epic Games launcher can be used to close a window and terminate an application after it has been opened by the user. On a Mac, to completely uninstall an application, select and drag the launcher icon and any associated folders to the trash can, then empty the trash can.

With a little extra assistance in navigating the Epic Games launcher on a Mac, you will be able to significantly improve your gaming experience in no time. Here are some helpful hints, tricks, and troubleshooting suggestions:

Launcher installation and reinstallation instructions

When visiting their official website, you must first click on the blue “Download” button, which appears in the upper right-hand corner of the screen. Epic Games can then be downloaded. It will automatically install the correct version of the application for Mac users as opposed to Windows users, according to the Epic Games website.

Following the completion of the download, you will need to double-click on the Epic Installer disc image that was downloaded to your downloads folder.

This will bring up a window titled “Epic Games Launcher,” which will prompt you to move the launcher icon into your applications folder, as shown in the screenshot below. It is simply a matter of clicking on the icon and dragging it over to the applications folder, all of which can be done within the “Epic Games Launcher.

After the progress bar for copying over the launcher to applications has finished filling up, you can close all of the windows that were previously open.

Epic Games Launcher” should appear as a new icon on your home screen, with an image of a white box and the text “Epic Games Launcher.” Right-click on this icon and choose Eject from the drop-down menu that appears. The disc image file will be deleted as of a result of this action.

The short video below will assist you in understanding how the process works in real-time. It is a straightforward download, and you should have no problems with it.

If you want to reinstall Epic Games to troubleshoot issues, you must first completely remove the application from your computer. The deletion process will also permanently delete any games that you have installed on your computer. Following the deletion of all data, repeat the installation process to reinstall the software.

After that, you can log back into your Epic Games account and reinstall any of the games that you want to play once again.

Using the Launcher to start and stop it

The launchpad (the icon that looks like a rocket) is used to open and start the launcher, which can then be used to launch your applications. To open the Epic Games Launcher application, click on the black and white Epic Games Launcher icon.

If this is the first time you are opening the app, you may be prompted to confirm the opening in a smaller window that appears to warn you that the app is accessed through the internet and therefore requires confirmation.

Following your confirmation of the open, updates may be downloaded automatically, after which the launcher will open and be ready for use on your Mac.

The process of closing out of the launcher is the same as that of closing out of any other window or application. In the upper left-hand corner of the screen, you will see the three familiar red, yellow, and green dots that represent the three colors of the rainbow. 

All you have to do is click on the red “x” circle to exit the launcher, and it will close. If you are unable to locate the “x” button, try pressing the “escape” key on your computer’s keyboard.

Trying to cancel the launcher download? There are several points during the download process where you can do so without losing your place in the queue. When you first visit the Epic Games website and click on the blue “download” button, a progress bar should appear to show you where you are in the download process.

An “x” icon can be found to the right of the progress bar on the right side of the screen. If you click the x before the download is complete, the downloading process will be terminated.

If you’re in the process of copying the launcher into your applications folder, you’ll see a progress bar that looks similar to the one above, and you’ll have the same option to cancel the copying process. 

After deciding against installing Epic Games on your Mac, you will want to go through your downloads and folders again to make sure you have removed anything that had already begun to install on your computer before making your decision.

You will not be able to cancel the download before the progress bar has finished, but you will be able to delete the application once the download has finished.

Epic Games has been deleted.

You should follow a few steps to ensure that Epic Games is completely removed from your computer. Of course, you’ll want to begin by exiting the launcher’s window (if it is open).

If Epic Games is currently running any processes, downloads, or updates, you should check your activity monitor to see if this is the case. If there is any activity currently underway, you can simply wait for it to complete and the activity will be deleted along with the rest of the application’s data.

Epic Games Launcher can be found in the Applications folder on your computer. Simply click and drag the icon into the trash icon to dispose of it. If it is necessary, confirm the deletion. Epic Games may have files stored in locations other than the application’s default location on your computer.

Go into your folder library and look for anything related to Epic Games in the Application Support, Caches, Preferences, Logs, and Cookies folders. You should also remove any files that you come across.

If you do not intend to reinstall, deleting everything will free up more space on your Mac; if you do intend to reinstall, deleting everything will reduce clutter and confusion on your Mac. (Source)

Compatibility between Mac OS X and Epic Games

As you are most likely aware, the Epic Games launcher is compatible with Mac computers as well. However, not all games are compatible with the Mac operating system. 

You will need to check each game to ensure that it is compatible with Apple devices before purchasing it. You should be able to find information about game compatibility in the “About Game” section of any title that you are interested in purchasing.

Epic Games does not support macOS 10.9 anymore as of the launcher’s 10.19.19 version, which is an important point to remember.

Because it is an older version, this should not be a problem for the majority of Mac users, but make sure you are up to date on your Mac. If your Mac is unable to receive the 10.10 update, you will not be able to receive any Epic Games launcher updates in the future. (Source)

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