Why Is My Game Lagging While I’m Streaming?

Throughout the last few years, streaming has rapidly become more popular within the gaming community.

Before the turn of the century, there were only a few dedicated gamers who had streaming channels.

But many of us play video games while streaming content at the same time.

Even some of the people I know who only play games occasionally are starting to get into it.

It is much simpler to do so now, thanks to the release of new consoles than it was more than ten years ago.

It used to be the case that to run a live stream that looked great, you needed a whole bunch of high-tech equipment and the ability to construct your setup.

In modern times, however, newcomers are discovering that lifestreaming their games is not only enjoyable but typically extremely enjoyable as well.

The choppy Livestream is what makes the experience unenjoyable. Nobody wants to participate in that, and nobody is interested in watching it either.

What Could Be Causing This Lag in My Game While I Stream It?

Either your internet connection is too slow or your computer has too much going on, both of which could be causing your game to lag while you are live streaming it. In either case, the circumstance can be improved, even though doing so will require a financial outlay on your part. Lag can be reduced by using an external hard drive and the appropriate live streaming software.

In most cases, a choppy Livestream is the result of either an overworked computer or a poor Internet connection. However, both of these issues can contribute to the problem.

Or, in the absolute worst of all possible worlds, it could be a combination of the two of those factors. Um, yikes.

What steps can be taken to improve a live streaming experience that is plagued by lag? The ethernet cable is frequently connected directly from the modem to the gaming PC, which is another common practice among gamers.

WIFI is not even close to being as reliable as a good ethernet connection, and ethernet can help speed up the number of frames per second that your computer can display (FPS).

PC gamers can take heart from all of this positive news.

What options do people who own MacBooks and who don’t have an ethernet port have? Is there some kind of adapter to the plug that you can buy? Should you head out to the store and pick up a new wireless modem router? Would the addition of a WiFi mesh network improve the quality of your streaming?

To solve this problem, you need to make sure you’re running the appropriate software and connected to a stable and fast network.

Permit me to explain why your game is laggy while you stream it as well as what you can do to speed things up without spending a lot of money.

Connect Your Device Straight to the Modem.

WIFI is not always the connection that provides the highest level of reliability, particularly when it comes to gaming and streaming.

You could try connecting to the Ethernet port on your computer.

And get an ethernet adapter if you don’t already have one built into your computer.

You can expect to spend about $30 on a good one, which indicates that this will be a reasonably priced repair.

The problem could be that you have located an excessive distance from your modem and router.

If this is the case, then a mesh WiFi system will provide you with increased signal strength as well as an extended WiFi range.

They are priced significantly higher, with an average cost of approximately $200.

It’s possible that upgrading your wireless router will be slightly cheaper in the long run, but the cost of routers can vary quite a bit.

Make the Necessary Changes to Your Livestreaming Settings

You will need upload speeds of at least 4 Mbps to be able to transmit live video in high definition (HD).

You can determine how fast your internet connection is by using the tool Speedtest.

You can use it on pretty much any device, and there is no cost associated with doing so.

If you are not receiving at least 4 Mbps, you should reconsider your current plan and possibly even look into switching internet service providers.

Changing the output settings on your computer using a free service like OBS is yet another option available to you.

Make sure that your output settings in OBS are set to 720p (Resolution: 12880 x 720) so that you can stream in 720p at the very least.

1080p is superior, but 4K is the absolute pinnacle of resolution (and now the gold standard for serious streamers).

However, 720p is preferable to complete lag.

You might find success by playing around with the bitrate.

Bitrates can be simplified down to the number of data bits being transmitted as well as the rate at which they are being dispersed. A higher bitrate, which results in higher quality, is what you’ll need for a seamless image.

Therefore, if you choose 720p as your resolution, you will get a bit rate of approximately 35000kb per second.

The result ought to be an attractive-looking picture.

Get Your Hands on the Appropriate Streaming Software

Acquire the Appropriate Streaming Software To Livestream your games, you will need the appropriate streaming software. Because of this, OBS is extremely convenient.

It is free to use on both Macs and PCs, even though there is a slight learning curve associated with it.

It provides you with a greater degree of control over the appearance of your video.

MacBook users can find software that was developed specifically for Macs that is user-friendly and allows them to adjust the bitrate of their videos.

In addition to that, there are some web-based options available, and some of them come with subscriptions.

There are going to be some that offer free options in addition to premium memberships.

Utilize an External Drive

The purchase of a reliable external drive that enables you to run programs and processes more quickly can help reduce lag.

You can get high-speed performance and a significant amount of storage space from either the G-Drive USB-C external drive from G-Technology or the more wallet-friendly portable MyPassport hard drive from G-Technology.

A heavy burden that your computer would otherwise have to bear, which would only cause it to run more slowly, can be alleviated by using an external drive.

Put an end to all activities. You Aren’t Using

Any Unnecessary Background Processes Your streaming will be slowed down by any unnecessary background processes.

Before you begin your live stream, you must ensure that all windows and applications that you will not be using are closed.

This frees up space on your disc as well as your CPU and memory, all of which are required for streaming.

Consider a Computer Upgrade

The vast majority of today’s computers are capable of supporting you while you simply go live on video and chat into your webcam.

To tell you the truth, even your smartphone is capable of performing these actions. to ensure that your computer is capable of handling it.

However, to be successful as a live streamer, you will require a computer that has a significant amount of RAM.

You can play on a computer with an Intel quad-core processor, but when it turns on, the fan in the computer will make a lot of noise.

Make sure that whatever you get has a memory capacity of at least 16 gigabytes.

It is frequently recommended that you have 4 or 8 GB, but the bare minimum that you should strive for is 16 GB.

If you plan on streaming your gameplay through Twitch, you will need even more than that.

Playing modern games on your personal computer is made much easier with the help of AMD’s Ryzen 5 3600, which is a 6-core processor that provides performance that is more than 100 frames per second (FPS) fast.

It will cost you about $250, but you should consider whether or not it is worth it for live streaming.

A Few Parting Thoughts

Because live streaming uses a lot of memory, random access memory (RAM), and processing power, you need a computer that can keep up with it.

In addition to this, you are going to need an internet connection that is dependable and robust.

These two considerations may each have an impact on the overall quality of streaming with gameplay.

You can improve the quality of your live streaming experience by playing around with your setup and adding in a few new pieces of hardware or software.

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